



Bismuth Complexes in Phenylazomethine Dendrimers: Controllable Luminescence and Emission in the Solid State

T. Kambe, A. Watanabe, T. Imaoka, K. Yamamoto
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 13151-13154.

Dendritic phosphors were obtained by the stepwise integration of BiCl3 in phenylazomethine dendrimers. The bismuth-coordinated phenylazomethines displayed photoluminescence at 500–800 nm, and the intensity could be tuned by changing the stoichiometry of BiCl3 and the dendrimer. This phosphor did not show serious luminescence quenching even though the local concentration of BiCl3 in the dendrimer was as high as 20 M, and luminescence was also observed in the solid state. The absorption and emission properties could be reversibly switched by addition of a Lewis base or under electrochemical redox control, which induced the reversible complexation of BiCl3 in the dendrimer.



916日に第65回高分子討論会でアルブレヒト建助教が発表した有機EL材料に関する発表が高分子学会の広報対象に選ばれ、プレスリリースされました。九州大学 先導物質化学研究所の藤田克彦准教授との共同研究成果になります。