化学工業日報 (2019年12月18日 4面)
A. Kuzume, M. Ozawa, Y. Tang, Y. Yamada, N. Haruta, K. Yamamoto
Sci. Adv. 2019, 5, eaax6455.
Subnanometric metal clusters exhibit anomalous catalytic activity, suggesting innovative applications as next-generation materials, although identifying and characterizing these subnanomaterials in atomic detail remains a substantial challenge because of the severely weak signal intensity for the conventional analytical methods. Here, we report a subnanosensitive vibrational technique established based on the surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, demonstrating the first-ever detailed vibrational characterization of subnanomaterials. Furthermore, combining with density functional theory calculations, we reveal that inherent surface structures of the tin oxide subnanoclusters determine the size-specific spectral and catalytic characteristics of these clusters. The high-sensitivity characterization methodology elaborated here can provide a comprehensive understanding of the chemical and structural natures of subnanomaterials, which facilitate the rational design of subnanomaterials on the atomic scale for practical applications, such as in catalysts, biosensors, and electronics.
財経新聞 (2019年9月4日)
T. Tsukamoto, N. Haruta, T. Kambe, A. Kuzume, K. Yamamoto
Nature Commun. 2019, 10, 3727.
T. Kambe, R. Hosono, S. Imaoka, A. Kuzume, K. Yamamoto
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 12984-12988.
Borophene and the analogs are attractive 2D-materials showing unique mechanical and electronic properties. In this study, the bottom-up synthesis of an atomic boron network possessing a completely planar skeleton was achieved from KBH4. The borophene-analog was stabilized by oxygen atoms positioned on the same plane, providing holes and the anionic state of the layer. Potassium cations between the layers enabled crystalline stacking of the layers, as well as dissolution in solvents as atomically thin layers. The conductivity measurements revealed the electronic feature. Unlike the interplane conducting property, almost zero activation energy like a metal was suggested from the in-plane measurement.