
第11回 CSJ化学フェスタで受賞

第11回 CSJ化学フェスタにて高橋敏君、赤田君、吉田君、高橋篤輝君の4名がそれぞれ受賞をしました。おめでとうございます!


 ■高橋 敏(M2)合金サブナノ粒子内部の原子動態直接観察

 ■赤田 雄治(M1)電子顕微鏡画像解析による金属原子間結合の評価

 ■吉田 希生(M2)デンドリマーを鋳型とした Au-Sn 合金サブナノ粒子の合成および物性解明

 ■⾼橋 篤輝(M2)ピリジンコアデンドリマーを利⽤したビスマスサブ ナノ粒⼦の合成 



K. Takada, M. Morita, T. Imaoka, J. Kakinuma, K. Albrecht, K. Yamamoto
Sci. Adv. 2021, 7, eabd9887.


Metal atom–guided conformational analysis of single polynuclear coordination molecules

Microscopic observation of single molecules is a rapidly expanding field in chemistry and differs from conventional characterization techniques that require a large number of molecules. One of such form of single-molecule microscopy is high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy (HAADF-STEM), which is especially suitable for coordination compounds because of its atomic number–dependent contrast. However, to date, single-molecule observations using HAADF-STEM has limited to simple planar molecules. In the present study, we demonstrate a direct structural investigation of nonplanar dendronized polynuclear Ir complexes with subnanometer resolution using Ir as an atomic label. Decreasing the electron dose to the dendrimer complexes is critical for the single-molecule observation. A comparison with simulated STEM images of conformational isomers is performed to determine the most plausible conformation. Our results enlarge the potential of electron microscopic observation to realize structural analysis of coordination macromolecules, which has been impossible with conventional methods.


市村学術賞 貢献賞 受賞

山元教授が「第53回市村賞 市村学術賞 貢献賞」を受賞しました。

受賞者:山元 公寿