第10回 CSJ化学フェスタにて稲津さん、Augie君、森合君の3名がそれぞれ受賞をしました。おめでとうございます!
- 稲津 美紀(M1)透過型電子顕微鏡を用いた金属間ヘテロ結合の動的観察
- Atqa Augie(M2)Atom-Dynamics of Early-4d/5d-Transition Metal Clusters
博士課程学生オーラルセッション 博士オーラル賞
- 森合 達也(D1)貨幣金属合金クラスター触媒によるシクロヘキセンの選択的酸化反応

第10回 CSJ化学フェスタにて稲津さん、Augie君、森合君の3名がそれぞれ受賞をしました。おめでとうございます!
Y. Akanuma, T. Imaoka, H. Sato, K. Yamamoto
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 4551-4554.
There has been controversy surrounding the roles of the metal core (metal–metal interaction) and the shell (metal–ligand interaction) in photoluminescence of ligand-protected metal nanoclusters. We have discovered aggregation-induced room-temperature phosphorescence of a platinum–thiolate complex and its silver ion inclusion complex (a silver-doped platinum sub-nanocluster). The inclusion of silver ion boosted the photoluminescent quantum yield by 18 times. Photophysical measurements indicate that the rate of nonradiative decay was slower for the silver-doped platinum sub-nanocluster. DFT calculations showed that the LUMO, which had the main contribution from Ag s-orbital and Pt d-orbitals, played a critical role in suppressing the structural distortion at the excited state. This work will hopefully stimulate more research on designing strategies based on molecular orbitals of atomicity-precise luminescent multimetallic nanoclusters.
T. Tsukamoto, A. Kuzume, M. Nagasaka, T. Kambe, K. Yamamotoサブナノ粒子(SNPs)は、極めて小さい粒子サイズが量子スケールにまで及ぶため、独自の特性と機能を示す。SNPsの合成には、原子性と組成の精密な制御が必要とされるが、これまでその達成は困難であった。私たちは最近、マクロ分子テンプレートを使用してこのような原子レベルの制御を実現する「原子ハイブリッド化法(AHM)」を開発した。革新的な量子材料の探求において、次のステップは機能的なサブナノ材料の実用的な創出が中心課題となる。本研究では、最新のAHMを用いて、順次組成を持つ単純なインジウム-スズ二元系に注目し、機能性SNPsの新しいスクリーニング技術を確立した。その結果、特定の組成でのみ熱力学的に不安定なインジウム種が生成され、耐久性のある発光機能をもたらすことが明らかになった。このようなサブナノサイズの物質における現象は、未知の量子材料の分野の発展において重要な役割を果たすであろう。
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 19078-19084.
Subnanoparticles (SNPs) exhibit unique properties and functions due to their extremely small particle sizes which extend into the quantum scale. Although the synthesis of SNPs requiring precise control of atomicity and composition has not been accomplished, we recently developed an atom-hybridization method (AHM) that realizes such atomic-level control using a macromolecular template. As a next step in the quest for innovative quantum materials, the practical creation of functional subnanomaterials will become a central subject. In this study, we established a new screening technique for functional SNPs by focusing on the simple indium–tin binary system with sequential compositions using the latest AHM. As a result, it was revealed that a thermodynamically unstable indium species was produced only at a certain composition leading to a durable luminescent function. Such a phenomenon in subnanosized substances will play an important role in the development of the as-yet-unknown field of quantum materials.
T. Moriai, T. Tsukamoto, M. Tanabe, T. Kambe, K. Yamamoto
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 23051-23055.
サブナノメートル(約1 nm)スケールの粒子科学は、世界中の注目を集めている。しかし、サブナノ粒子(SNPs)の精密な合成の技術的難しさのため、未踏の領域であった。最近、適切に設計されたマクロ分子をテンプレートとして使用することにより、SNPsを精密に合成する「原子ハイブリッド化法(AHM)」を開発した。現在、AHMによって得られた合金SNPsの化学反応性を調査した。貴金属元素に注目し、これらのSNPsが触媒するオレフィンの酸化反応を系統的に評価した。SNPsは、従来の触媒よりも穏やかな条件下でも高い触媒性能を示した。さらに、複数の元素のハイブリッド化により、ヒドロペルオキシド誘導体の形成に対するターンオーバー周波数と選択性が向上した。材料の小型化とハイブリッド化の観点から、一般に不安定なヒドロペルオキシドを提供するユニークな量子サイズ触媒について議論する。
The science of particles on a sub-nanometer (ca. 1 nm) scale has attracted worldwide attention. However, it has remained unexplored because of the technical difficulty in the precise synthesis of sub-nanoparticles (SNPs). We recently developed the “atom-hybridization method (AHM)” for the precise synthesis of SNPs by using a suitably designed macromolecule as a template. We have now investigated the chemical reactivity of alloy SNPs obtained by the AHM. Focusing on the coinage metal elements, we systematically evaluated the oxidation reaction of an olefin catalyzed by these SNPs. The SNPs showed high catalytic performance even under milder conditions than those used with conventional catalysts. Additionally, the hybridization of multiple elements enhanced the turnover frequency and the selectivity for the formation of the hydroperoxide derivative. We discuss the unique quantum-sized catalysts providing generally unstable hydroperoxides from the viewpoint of the miniaturization and hybridization of materials.
nanotoday, 2020, 31, 100852 (2020年2月26日)
T. Kambe, A. Watanabe, M. Li, T. Tsukamoto, T. Imaoka, K. Yamamoto
Adv. Mater. 2020, 32, 1907167.
Superatoms have been investigated due to their possible substitution for other elements. The solution-phase synthesis of superatoms has attracted attention to realize the availability of superatoms. However, the previous approach is basically limited to the formation of a single cluster. Here, superatoms are investigated and the number of valence electrons in these superatoms is changed by designing the number of gallium atoms present. Based on the dendrimer template method, clusters consisting of 3, 12, 13, and other numbers of atoms have been synthesized. The halogen-like superatomic nature of Ga13 is structurally and electrochemically observed as completely different to the other clusters. The gallium clusters of 13 and 3 atoms, which can fill the 2P and 1P superatomic orbitals, respectively, exhibit different reactivities. The 3-atom gallium cluster is suggested as being reduced to Ga3H2− due to the lower shift of energy levels in the unoccupied orbitals. The results for these gallium clusters provide candidates for superatoms.
K. Sonobe, M. Tanabe, K. Yamamoto
ACS Nano 2020, 14, 1804-1810.
超小型粒子サイズ(<1 nm)のサブナノ粒子(SNPs)は、ナノ粒子よりも優れた触媒活性を提供する可能性がある。デンドリックマクロ分子リアクターを使用して調製されたジルコニア支持のサイズ制御されたCunOx(n = 12、28、および60)材料は、Cu 2p3/2領域のピーク強度に基づいて粒子サイズの減少に伴うCu–O結合のイオン性の増加を示した。超小型銅酸化物におけるCu–O結合の分極は、芳香環に結合したCH3基の好気的酸化においてサイズ依存的な触媒活性を提供する。最小のCu12Ox材料は、顕著な失活なしに優れた高いターンオーバー数(TON = 40,206)を達成した。
Subnanoparticles (SNPs) with ultrasmall particle sizes (<1 nm) have potential to provide catalytic activity that is superior to that of nanoparticles. Size-controlled CunOx (n = 12, 28, and 60) materials supported on zirconia, prepared using a dendritic macromolecular reactor, exhibited increased ionicity of the Cu–O bonds with a decrease in size of the particles, which was suggested on the basis of the peak intensity in the Cu 2p3/2 region. The polarization of the Cu–O bonds in the ultrasmall copper oxides provides size-dependent catalytic activity in aerobic oxidation of the CH3 group bonded with aromatic rings. The smallest Cu12Ox materials achieved an excellent large turnover number (TON = 40 206) without any significant deactivation.